I am available for presentations and promotional events across the country.
Choose the message you would like to hear from the subjects below or mix it up a bit. We can talk, and I will customize a presentation that is perfect for your group!
What's Age Got To Do With It?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN’! This message is geared for anyone over 40 (I know we all want to hang onto 39 forever!) and explains why it’s never too late to get active and eat healthier so you’ll be happy when you’re 95! You’ll hear my philosophy on diet and exercise! It works for me! How can you make it work for you? How do you started? Let’s talk about that!
Can Learning Be Fun?
What did I learn from Oprah, David Letterman, Barbara Walters and the ladies on The View, Jerry Springer (former America’s Got Talent host), and even Bill Engvalls on Country Fried Home Videos? What did I learn from being a performer since I was 4 and from teaching dance classes for over twenty years? My travels to track meets and acrobatic performances have left me with many memories of funny experiences and sometimes exasperating situations! And what’s the secret to getting on those shows, anyway?!
Looking Ahead - Does A Person Really Need Goals?
What are your priorities in life? How has athletics affected my life? Once you become an adult, you are responsible for eating healthy and staying active. What are some secrets for being able to do that? Are you required to stop having fun when you finish high school, or when you finish college and go to work fulltime, or when you have kids that seem to take up all your time? There’s always time for fun! Just be realistic and honest about your goals and priorities!
How Do I Do It Specifically?
I eat every 2 hours and workout every day. How do I do that and still live a “normal” life? It can be done! Motivation is one secret. What motivates me? Where do I work out and how long each day? How do I use music instead of reps? What do I eat? Why don’t I count calories? What 3 foods do I eat almost every day? And, most importantly, learn how you can get your life organized so you can live a healthy, active lifestyle!
The Best Part
Why am I a motivational “entertainer” instead of just a motivational “speaker”? In all of my messages I will show you how a 56-yr-old female, wife, mother, and grandmother of 3 can do exercises that keep the body fit as well as captivate you with a few stunts that have made the television talk-show hosts ask to see more! All of my messages will be upbeat, informative, and guaranteed to make you smile! (If you’re bored, I give you permission to leave the room!) My ultimate goal is to provide you with the knowledge and incentive to learn how to be a happier person by living a healthy lifestyle and having fun at the same time!